Search Results for "TNF" - 924 interactions found in 490 entries.

Interactor1 (Subject) Interaction type Interactor2 (Object) additional information
127 Streptozocin increases_quantity of TNF in serum; under hyperglycemic condition
131 Arjunolic acid decreases_quantity of TNF in serum; in STZ treated rats
19133311 Diabetes mellitus, type I
256 Streptozocin increases_expression of TNF in male mice
259 IL11 decreases_expression of TNF in multiple low doses of streptozotocin (MLD-STZ) treated male mice
15096655 Diabetes mellitus, type I
317 SOD1-p.G93A increases_quantity of TNF in adult microglia; LPS stimulated
15378658 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
321 SOD1-p.G93A increases_quantity of TNF in microglia cultures
19672969 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
806 TNF increases_expression of VEGFA
808 TNF increases_expression of EPOR
18413601 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
817 TNF decreases_activity of apoptotic process
826 TNF decreases_activity of abnormal calcium ion homeostasis
828 TNF increases_expression of CALB1
13713 TNF increases_activity of neurogenesis
7507336 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1344 Metformin decreases_expression of TNF in liver
10973319 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic
1417 6-OHDA increases_quantity of TNF in striatum and substantia nigra
1419 XENP345 decreases_activity of TNF
1421 TNF increases_activity of neuron death
16971520 Parkinson disease
1555 SOD1-p.G93A increases_quantity of TNF in SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice
1557 Lipophilic metal chelator DP-460 NOT increases_quantity of TNF in SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice
1558 Lipophilic metal chelator DP-109 NOT increases_quantity of TNF in SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice
17630988 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1578 SOD1-p.G93A increases_quantity of TNF in TLR2 stimulated murine microglial cell line BV-2; if SOD1(G93A) is overexpressed
1583 SOD1-p.G93A NOT increases_expression of TNF in TLR2 stimulated murine microglial cell line BV-2; if SOD1(G93A) is overexpressed
1598 NCF1 affects_quantity of TNF in TLR2 stimulated murine microglial cell line BV-2; if SOD1(G93A) is overexpressed
1599 Acetylcysteine decreases_quantity of TNF in TLR2 stimulated murine microglial cell line BV-2; if SOD1(G93A) is overexpressed
1605 ADAM10 affects_quantity of TNF in TLR2 stimulated murine microglial cell line BV-2; if SOD1(G93A) is overexpressed
1606 ADAM17 affects_quantity of TNF in TLR2 stimulated murine microglial cell line BV-2; if SOD1(G93A) is overexpressed
19091752 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1608 SOD1-p.G93A increases_quantity of TNF in spinal cord motor neurons; especially at stage 90-110 days
1626 SOD1-p.G93A increases_expression of TNF in spinal cord motor neurons
1635 Thalidomide decreases_expression of TNF in spinal cord motor neurons; in SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice
1636 Lenalidomide decreases_expression of TNF in spinal cord motor neurons; in SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice
16510725 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1619 SOD1-p.I113T increases_quantity of TNF
13501 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis increases_quantity of TNF
16510725 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1638 SOD1-p.G93A increases_quantity of TNF in astrocytes; at 110 days of age
16510725 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1732 SOD1-p.G93A increases_expression of TNF in immortalized microglia
13527 ATP increases_quantity of TNF in immortalized and primary microglia
13546 3'-O-(4-Benzoyl)benzoyl ATP increases_quantity of TNF in immortalized and primary microglia
19734218 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1793 GPAM NOT affects_expression of TNF
17389595 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic
1820 TNF increases_quantity of CYBB
1821 TNF increases_quantity of PTGS2
1825 TNF increases_activity of motor neuron degeneration
8720 TNF affects_activity of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling
19477238 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3249 TNF increases_quantity of KDR
3250 TNF increases_expression of NRP1
3251 TNF NOT increases_expression of FLT1
3267 TNF increases_activity of endothelial cell migration
3270 TNF increases_activity of wound healing
9705358 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3385 TNF affects_activity of BCL2A1 in neuronal cells
3392 TNF increases_activity of neuron apoptotic process
16710367 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3436 SOD1-mod increases_expression of TNF
3437 SOD1-p.G93A increases_expression of TNF
17394546 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3573 MMP9 increases_quantity of TNF in spinal cord
17362932 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3718 Status epilepticus increases_expression of TNF in pilocarpine model
19055492 Status epilepticus
5191 SIRT1 NOT affects_quantity of TNF in blood; on high-fat diet, if SIRT1 is overexpressed
18840364 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
5387 high-fat diet increases_expression of TNF in liver
5389 SIRT1 NOT affects_expression of TNF in liver; in response to high-fat diet, if SIRT1 is overexpressed
18599449 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic
5889 SIRT1 affects_quantity of TNF in liver; if SIRT1 is knocked out in liver
19356714 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic
5860 Diabetes mellitus, type II increases_quantity of TNF in blood vessels; Diabetes accelerates the appearance of cerebrovascular inflammation evidenced by increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-alpha
20385830 Alzheimer disease
6453 obesity, high-fat diet-induced increases_expression of TNF
6463 TNF increases_expression of PTPN1 in liver, in skeletal muscle, in adipose tissue, in arcuate nucleus; in FVB mice
18281274 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
6454 TNF increases_expression of PTPN1 in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes, in H-4-II-E hepatoma cells, in HeLa cells
18281274 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
7084 TNF increases_activity of TNFRSF1A
7089 TNF decreases_expression of INSR in adipose tissue
7090 TNF decreases_expression of IRS1 in adipose tissue
7091 TNF decreases_expression of SLC2A4 in adipose tissue
7092 TNF decreases_activity of glucose import in adipose tissue
7093 TNF decreases_expression of LIPE in adipose tissue
7095 TNF decreases_expression of ACSL in adipose tissue
7096 TNF decreases_expression of ADIPOQ in adipose tissue
7097 TNF decreases_expression of CEBP in adipose tissue
7098 TNF decreases_expression of PPARG in adipose tissue
7099 TNF decreases_expression of RXR in adipose tissue
7272 TNF increases_activity of I-kappa-B kinase complex
7281 adipose tissue macrophage increases_quantity of TNF in adipose tissue
7327 TLR4 increases_expression of TNF
18053812 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
6993 Parkinson disease increases_quantity of TNF in brain
20423606 Parkinson disease
7026 Alzheimer disease increases_quantity of TNF in PBMCs from AD patients compared to PBMCs in healthy controls
20462385 Alzheimer disease