Search Results for "GSK3B" - 477 interactions found in 185 entries.

Interactor1 (Subject) Interaction type Interactor2 (Object) additional information
199 RPS6KA3 decreases_activity of GSK3B by phosphorylation at Ser9
200 RPS6KB1 decreases_activity of GSK3B by phosphorylation at Ser9
201 PPP2CA increases_activity of GSK3B
202 RPS6KA3 increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9
203 RPS6KB1 affects_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9
8250835 Alzheimer disease
226 SEMA3A decreases_phosphorylation of GSK3B
16495486 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
230 SEMA3A increases_activity of GSK3B
231 SEMA3A decreases_phosphorylation of GSK3B
11956225 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
290 protein phosphorylation increases_activity of GSK3B by phosphorylation at Tyr216
8382613 Alzheimer disease
293 protein phosphorylation decreases_activity of GSK3B by phosphorylation at Ser9
8250835 Alzheimer disease
332 GSK3B increases_activity of apoptotic process if catalytically active GSK3B is overexpressed
9685326 Alzheimer disease
350 AKT1-phosSer473Thr308 decreases_activity of GSK3B by GSK3B phosphorylation at Ser9; AKT1-phosSer473Thr308 = active AKT1;
367 AKT1-phosSer473Thr308 increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B GSK3B phosphorylated at Ser9 has reduced activity
107505 GSK3B-phosSer9 decreases_activity of GSK3B GSK3B phosphorylated at Ser9 has reduced activity
8978681 Alzheimer disease
419 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of APP activated by amyloid beta peptide
420 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of APC
445 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of IRS1
446 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of MBP
447 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of MAP1B
450 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of MAP2
452 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of NIN
453 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of MAPT
454 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of JUN
455 GSK3B decreases_quantity of CTNNB1 by phosphorylating beta-catenin, targeting it for degradation;
456 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of CEBPA
457 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of CREB1
458 GSK3B decreases_activity of HSF1
459 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of MYC the serine residues 38, 42, and 62, and threonine residue 58 within the transactivation domain of Myc.
463 canonical Wnt signaling pathway affects_activity of GSK3B
464 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of AXIN1
465 GSK3B interacts (colocalizes) with APC-AXIN1-CTNNB1 complex
480 Protein phosphatase 2A increases_activity of GSK3B
481 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of APP at Thr743
482 GSK3B increases_processing of APP
487 GSK3B affects_quantity of Amyloid beta peptide
491 PRKAR2A increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9
492 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of ACLY
493 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of PPP1R2
494 Lithium decreases_activity of GSK3B
495 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of EIF2B5 at Ser540, hereby inhibiting EIF2B5.
496 GSK3B decreases_activity of EIF2B5 by phosphorylation at Ser540.
593 Maleimide decreases_activity of GSK3B
594 Indirubin decreases_activity of GSK3B
618 response to heat increases_quantity of GSK3B in nucleus
620 response to oxidative stress decreases_activity of GSK3B
646 PRKCA increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B
647 PRKCA decreases_activity of GSK3B
648 PRKCB increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B hereby inactivating GSK3B.
649 PRKCB decreases_activity of GSK3B
650 PRKCG increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B
651 PRKCG decreases_activity of GSK3B
652 PRKCE NOT affects_phosphorylation of GSK3B
653 PRKCE NOT decreases_activity of GSK3B
671 AKT1-phosSer473Thr308 increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser-9, hereby reducing the activity of GSK3B.
672 AKT1-phosSer473Thr308 decreases_activity of GSK3B by phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9
678 IGF1 decreases_activity of GSK3B by increased Ser9 phosphorylation
679 EDN1 decreases_activity of GSK3B in myocytes; by phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9
680 EDN1 increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9, hereby inhibiting GSK3B.
686 GBP interacts (colocalizes) with GSK3B This is an important mechanism for the inhibitory control of GSK3B activity.
687 AXIN1 increases_activity of GSK3B
754 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of CTNNB1 in the absence of Wnt and if GSK3B is complexed with Axin and APC;
760 FRAT1 interacts (colocalizes) with GSK3B
761 FRAT1 decreases_activity of GSK3B
805 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of NFATC1
865 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
908 PSEN1 interacts (colocalizes) with GSK3B
911 GSK3B increases_activity of apoptotic process
919 GSK3B decreases_activity of CREB1
12873 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of PDP1
12875 GSK3B interacts (colocalizes) with APC
12876 GSK3B interacts (colocalizes) with AXIN1
12923 GSK3B affects_activity of MYC via phosphorylation
12925 PRKAR2A decreases_activity of GSK3B if GSK3B is phosphorylated at Ser9.
12927 H2O2 decreases_activity of GSK3B
12929 response to heat decreases_activity of GSK3B
12930 IGF1 increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9
12947 GSK3B decreases_activity of NFATC1
12948 GSK3B increases_transport of NFATC1 GSK3B phosphorylates, deactivates, and induces nuclear export of NFATc.
12957 GSK3B affects_quantity of Acetylcholine
14051 Amyloid beta peptide increases_activity of GSK3B
50125 IGF1 increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9
72065 GSK3B decreases_activity of Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex via phosphorylation
133776 GSK3B increases_quantity of PDP1-phos
153728 GSK3B increases_quantity of CREB1-phos
153729 GSK3B increases_activity of increased CREB1-phos level
11527574 Alzheimer disease
497 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of EIF2B5 at Ser540
498 GSK3B decreases_activity of EIF2B5 by phosphorylation at Ser540
9468292 Alzheimer disease
499 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of EIF2B5 at Ser540
500 GSK3B decreases_activity of EIF2B5 by phosphorylation at Ser540
9468292 Alzheimer disease
928 GSK3B affects_activity of Alzheimer disease concerning intronic polymorphism (IVS2-68GtoA)
947 GSK3B affects_activity of Frontotemporal dementia concerning intronic polymorphism (IVS2-68GtoA)
18852354 Alzheimer disease
Frontotemporal dementia
980 GSK3B interacts (colocalizes) with MAPT
984 GSK3B decreases_expression of CTNNB1 if GSK3B is overexpressed
985 GSK3B increases_activity of CTNNB1 if cotranfected with MAPT
1899151 Alzheimer disease
998 Lithium decreases_expression of GSK3B in embryonic (E18) and adult rat brain
18932008 Alzheimer disease
1706 NIR KO mouse decreases_phosphorylation of GSK3B in brain
14981233 Alzheimer disease
1997 Insulin increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B in cultures treated with insulin
134713 GSK3B-phos decreases_activity of GSK3B in cultures treated with insulin
134776 AKT1-phos increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B
19144826 Alzheimer disease
2076 canonical Wnt signaling pathway affects_activity of GSK3B
2078 response to oxidative stress increases_activity of GSK3B
19712582 Alzheimer disease
2609 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of DPYSL2
15676027 Alzheimer disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2779 Memantine affects_activity of GSK3B
19661623 Alzheimer disease
3028 GSK3B affects_activity of Gamma-secretase complex
3041 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of MAPT
3047 GSK3B interacts (colocalizes) with PSEN1
3049 GSK3B affects_activity of PSEN1
3050 GSK3B affects_activity of canonical Wnt signaling pathway
17298085 Alzheimer disease
3097 Lithium decreases_activity of GSK3B
3141 GSK3B affects_processing of APP
64425 GSK3B decreases_quantity of Amyloid beta peptide (40)
64426 GSK3B decreases_quantity of Amyloid beta peptide (42)
12761548 Alzheimer disease
3234 CTNNB1 interacts (colocalizes) with GSK3B if PS1 is overexpressed
9746 GSK3B decreases_activity of CTNNB1 (if PS1 is overexpessed) by phosphorylation of CTNNB1 that can be therefore degradated;
10341227 Alzheimer disease
3307 GSK3B increases_phosphorylation of CTNNB1
12297048 Alzheimer disease
3424 GSK3B affects_processing of APP APP processed to amyloid beta peptide
3446 GSK3B affects_activity of Alzheimer disease both, GSK3beta and CDK5, are involved in APP processing
3448 Lithium affects_activity of GSK3B
14651959 Alzheimer disease
3501 (5-[N-methyl-N-propargylaminomethyl]-8-hydroxyquinoline) increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser-9
3529 (5-[N-methyl-N-propargylaminomethyl]-8-hydroxyquinoline) decreases_activity of GSK3B by phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser-9
3530 (5-[4-propargylpiperazin-1-ylmethyl]-8-hydroxyquinoline) increases_phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser-9
3531 (5-[4-propargylpiperazin-1-ylmethyl]-8-hydroxyquinoline) decreases_activity of GSK3B by phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser-9
19638399 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
4023 GSK3B affects_processing of APP
15170327 Alzheimer disease
4048 LiCl decreases_activity of GSK3B
16014628 Alzheimer disease
4163 DVL decreases_activity of GSK3B
4164 GSK3B affects_activity of microtubule cytoskeleton organization
4189 GSK3B affects_activity of microtubule cytoskeleton organization
17608927 Neurological
4198 Schizophrenia decreases_quantity of GSK3B if Ser9 is phosphorylated
17681085 Schizophrenia
4295 GSK3B decreases_activity of neuron differentiation in ventral mesencephalon
4296 Kenpaullone decreases_activity of GSK3B
4336 Kenpaullone decreases_quantity of GSK3B
15522889 Neurological
Parkinson disease
4300 GSK3B affects_phosphorylation of DPYSL2
4303 GSK3B affects_phosphorylation of DPYSL3 CRMP4 is phosphorlated at Thr509, Thr514, Ser518
4304 GSK3B affects_activity of DPYSL2
4305 GSK3B affects_activity of DPYSL3
15466863 Alzheimer disease