Search Results for MODY6 - 34 interactions found in 15 entries.

Interactor1 (Subject) Interaction type Interactor2 (Object) additional information
132223 NEUROD1 affects_activity of Diabetes mellitus, type II
16936201 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
53911 NEUROD1 rs387906384 increases_activity of MODY, type VI
132130 NEUROD1 affects_activity of Diabetes mellitus, type II
10545951 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
MODY, type VI
27106 NEUROD1 affects_activity of impaired glucose tolerance
27108 NEUROD1 affects_activity of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus
27113 NEUROD1 affects_quantity of Insulin
27117 NEUROD1 affects_quantity of SLC2A2
27134 NEUROD1 affects_activity of canonical glycolysis
20374962 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
MODY, type VI
132131 NEUROD1 affects_activity of Diabetes mellitus, type I in Asians
15592940 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Diabetes mellitus, type I
Insulin resistance
MODY, type VI
53957 NEUROD1-p.E110K increases_activity of MODY, type VI in an Icelandic family
53958 NEUROD1-p.E110K increases_activity of Diabetes mellitus, type II in an Icelandic family
11719843 Diabetes mellitus, type II
MODY, type III
Insulin resistance
MODY, type VI
53961 NEUROD1-p.S159P increases_activity of MODY, type VI in Chinese
17440689 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
MODY, type VI
53963 NEUROD1 rs561017686 increases_activity of MODY, type VI in Czechs, the risk allele is G (Gln)
18331410 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Insulin resistance
MODY, type VI
53985 NEUROD1 affects_activity of Diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal in patients with homozygous loss-of-function mutations in NEUROD1
20573748 Diabetes mellitus, type II
Diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal
Insulin resistance
131147 NEUROD1 affects_activity of MODY, type VI
131149 NEUROD1 affects_activity of pancreatic islet morphogenesis
131151 NEUROD1 affects_activity of abnormal pancreatic beta cell physiology
131152 MODY, type VI affects_activity of ketosis
33292863 MODY
131654 NEUROD1-p.Y231X increases_activity of MODY, type VI
31595705 MODY
131972 NEUROD1 rs561017686 increases_activity of MODY, type VI
131977 NEUROD1-p.E59Q increases_activity of MODY, type VI
25041077 MODY
132128 NEUROD1-p.Phe256Leufs increases_activity of MODY, type VI
31578821 MODY, type VI
132129 NEUROD1-p.H206Pfs increases_activity of MODY, type VI
132132 NEUROD1-p.P245Rfs increases_activity of MODY, type VI
132133 NEUROD1-p.L157R increases_activity of MODY, type VI
132134 NEUROD1-p.H206Tfs increases_activity of MODY, type VI
28664602 MODY, type VI
132135 NEUROD1-p.R103P increases_activity of MODY, type VI
26773576 MODY, type VI
132194 NEUROD1 increases_activity of regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
132195 NEUROD1 increases_expression of INS
132196 NEUROD1 affects_activity of glucose homeostasis
132197 NEUROD1 increases_expression of ABCC8
132198 NEUROD1 increases_expression of GCK
132199 NEUROD1 increases_expression of G6PC2
132200 NEUROD1 increases_expression of PAX6
30793219 MODY, type VI